About Me...

I am a wife and mother of three kiddos, ages 23, 19, and 12. My husband is the love of my life, and we have been married for 26 years. We love the Lord and purpose to put Him at the center of our home and lives. We are a very active family who loves camping, vacationing, playing with our horses, and our Mustangs. We are very active in our church and enjoy serving with our church family. Health and fitness have been a part of our lives for many years. All three of our kiddos were born via c-section, so needless to say, my stomach has not been the same since my muscles were cut through...UNTIL I began doing my Beachbody workouts. I have been using their products for years, and my results have been amazing. I cannot say enough about the results that can be achieved if you are consistent with the workouts every day.

"What is easy to do is also easy not to do." To do or not to do is the question? Every day I make the choice to press play and complete my workout. I feel full of energy and a sense of accomplishment when my workout is done for the day. I am excited to be on this journey of fitness and hope to bring you along with me. I look forward to seeing all of your fitness, wellness, and life dreams come true. Join me in the journey!

If you are interested in learning more about how you can start your journey to getting fit, please contact me at fitforlifebeachbody@yahoo.com or visit me on facebook for additional information http://www.facebook.com/kristicarringtonfitforlife

I would love to coach you to your weight loss and fitness goals and help you transform your life! You just have to say, "YES!"

My Transformation:

I have always had an interest in my fitness, and have been going to the gym for many years either to walk or to take a class. The gym that we were members at was about 35 minutes from home so we would only go 1-2 times per week. I knew I should be working out more consistently than that so I began using Beachbody products to have daily workouts. There were so many to choose from and something was always coming out that I enjoyed...10 Minute Trainer, Hip Hop Abs, Brazil Butt Lift, Body Beast, T25, to 21 Day Fix. Each program proved to be challenging for me and allowed me to see results. The key to getting results was ME! I knew that I had to be consistent every day. I was tired of having a muffin top from my three c-sections. My daughter used to ask me why my stomach looked "that way"... the roll at the top of my scar. "Silly girl, it is because of you!" Well, enough was enough, I decided that I was going to work hard to get rid of my tummy. My results are below so you can see that our programs work if you work them...



You can achieve your goals as well. If you are needing to lose weight or just want to tighten and tone, our programs will work for you. We have challenge groups in place to assist you with your fitness & wellness goals. If you are not sure what challenge groups are or how they work, that is ok. ...... Just go to https://www.facebook.com/kristicarringtonfitforlife or email me for more information at fitforlifebeachbody@yahoo.com. I am here to help you!

It's Time to Get Beach Ready...

21 Day Fix Gives RESULTS!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

When Will the Cheat Meal End up on the Scale?

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Q: I cheated on my diet. How long will it take to show up on the scale?

The Short Answer:

Probably never and even if it does, it’s most likely temporary fluid retention caused by excess salt or sugar intake. In the extremely unlikely event that you binged so massively over the weekend that you actually gained body fat, there’s nothing you can do about it now, so quit being neurotic and Googling articles like this one—instead, get on with the business of reversing the damage.

The Long Answer:

For the most part, the scale is a lousy indicator of any damage caused by a binge. There are about 3,500 calories in a pound of fat. But before you bust out your abacus, keep in mind that the notion that eating 3,500 calories beyond your normal daily caloric burn (2000-2500 calories on average) will automatically cause you to gain a pound of fat doesn’t work. Other factors—including hormone shifts and gut bacteria levels—mean that exact math doesn’t apply. However, unless you have access to thousands of dollars worth of lab equipment, it still serves as a vaguely decent rough estimate for our purposes.

In other words, to gain five pounds of fat over a weekend, you’d need to eat about 33 slices of Marie Callender’s pumpkin pie (with whipped cream) on top of your normal food intake.

I’m sorry, but you just didn’t eat that much last weekend—and if you did, you should consider joining a few Major League Eating competitions because you have some serious cash to earn.

So why did you step on the scale Monday morning to discover you’ve put in a Lincoln’s worth of lbs? Odds are that it’s probably either temporary fluid retention due to too much salt, or an indication that your muscles are fuel-starved.

The biology on the salt thing is simple. Your body likes to maintain a certain salinity in your extracellular fluid. If you consume too much salt, the salinity goes up, so your body holds on to more water to restore balance. Once you stop consuming all that salt, balance is restored, and the water flushes out.

The fuel-starved muscle thing is a little more complex. Your muscles contain their own internal carb-based fuel source called glycogen. Glycogen also brings water into muscle. When you consistently eat at a calorie deficit, your muscles tend to run low on glycogen—which also means they’re dehydrated. So if you eat at a surplus, your body recharges your glycogen stores, increasing the fluid volume in your muscles, and bringing up the number on the scale.

I know a number of very fit women who claim they can’t eat more than 1,200-1,400 calories a day without gaining weight. While they’re technically correct, odds are that the “weight” they see when they increase calories is actually their glycogen stores being restored. It’s sad because if they actually increased calories with healthy food, they’d probably see a boost in performance because their muscles would be properly fueled.

Chronic dieting aside, there are times when an increase in calories thrown into the middle of a longer period of eating at a calorie deficit might even benefit you. If you’ve been eating at a deficit for a while, your body can slow down your metabolism, slowing weight loss or bringing it to a standstill entirely. Occasionally jacking up the calories may relax this slowdown. This is one of the reasons why people doing our programs sometimes lose a few pounds even after finishing and resuming a higher calorie diet. It can also happen during a recovery phase when someone is eating the same amount but exercising less (therefore burning less calories) and technically creating a smaller overall deficit. In both instances, it’s a sign that they may have been better off eating slightly more the whole time.

That said, I wouldn’t go on a pizza jag just to test this (you can always increase calories in healthier ways), but if a big weekend happens and the number on the scale illogically drops, it’s an indication that you could benefit from slightly increasing your calorie intake.

Regarding the guilt and frustrating you may experience after a binge, the most important thing to remember is that wallowing in remorse is useless unless you have access to a time machine. Every road has the occasional pothole. You’ll still get to where you want to if you shake it off and keep driving.

By:  Beachbody

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