Everyone wants a great pair of legs, but few people are willing to put in the time to build them. The reason: “It’s hard work,” says Angelo Poli, owner of Whole Body Fitness in Chico, California. The body’s strongest, most powerful muscles — including your quads, glutes, and hamstrings—reside below your waist, and training them can be downright exhausting.
We get it, and we’re not letting you off the hook. Strengthening the muscles in your lower body not only helps you turn heads in a pair of jeans, but also puts you on the fast track to a smaller waist and better health, according to Japanese researchers. In their study, people with the strongest legs had the least amount of visceral fat — the most dangerous kind that wraps around your organs and increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some types of cancer. Need another reason to target your legs? It can boost your brain function, especially as you age, according to a recent study by researchers at Kings College, in London.
Ready to start sculpting? Follow these three tips. In no time at all you’ll have a more powerful lower half, and a leaner, stronger body for life.
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